we got snow on occasion, but here, it is more of a constant in our lives from late October through what would be Spring in sunny St. George. I see it differently, and one day, snow showed me it's uniqueness as we were hustling to the car.
A white view is what we see from our front door every day.
So this post is my formal thank you to Ole Man Winter for not being as cruel as I know he can be. And at times showing ordinary objects in a beautiful way.
Nature is crying to me that it is ready to re-emerge. I heard the birds singing and I found this in my back yard.
This is a picture of paw prints of a cottontail rabbit. I believe it is the same one that was hanging around our house in the fall (I saw him the other day). I have named him Twitchy. So, welcome Spring. I do not need the Ground Hog to tell me that winter is coming to a close.
"Twitchy"...I like it.